KDW Training

Since 2017, KDWT has been a GUEST accredited training provider, delivering accredited courses to hundreds of students onboard, shoreside and online.

So, what is the GUEST program?

Governed by IAMI, the GUEST Program is the leading Internationally Recognised Large Yacht Qualification Body for Non-Mandatory Training & Professional Development. It is made up of a series of courses and training options to help Interior crew members build their skills and develop in their role.  The program covers an enormous range of topics including service, housekeeping, laundry, administration, leadership, Purser and much more.  The program has expanded to include Interior, Chefs, Spa, Purser, AV/IT and Yacht Owners Representative courses.

The GUEST program helps to provide a framework for career progression as well as a focused path of study for moving forward.

For a full list of courses available and further information, please visit the GUEST website: www.guest-program.com.