KDW Training

Cigar Service

Grow & develop your cigar knowledge

About this course:

This IAMI GUEST accredited introduction into the world of cigars (GUEST U6) offers a sound theoretical and practical foundation into all aspects of this often-misunderstood luxury item. The insights gained allow candidates to know how to handle cigars confidently and take correct care of them. Understanding history and production methods, purchasing, correct handling, as well as what to do when a guest requests a cigar, are all skills taught in this module. We look at the most common brands of cigars, beverage pairing as well as how to cut, light and smoke (optional) a cigar.   

What will you learn:

Stop running away from the humidor! This well-rounded foundation will give you the confidence to correctly take care of any cigars, humidor and associated equipment that you may have onboard, plus feel more ready for assisting your guests when they request cigars.

Training Style:


Time Commitment:

1/2 Day

Course pre-requisites:

No previous experience required

Course investment:


Certification upon completion:


Classroom-based courses require a minimum of three students in order to go ahead.